Ren – The Architect

Ren follows the life of an individual searching for a sense of purpose and personal spirituality. Navigating between the lines of “Once upon a time…” and “they lived happily ever after,” the protagonist undergoes a sequence of provocative events in his past life and present.

Ren is the story of the architect Renato Maltese, who is conflicted between his visionary designs of utopian cities, and the extravagant projects that his firm is commissioned to design.

A love story unfolds as Renato’s conflicts at work begin to mirror his personal life, and he finds himself caught between Dara, a sensuous free-spirited young woman and Rebekah, his talented, socially responsible wife of many years.

Upon loosing everything dear to him, Renato drives his white pickup truck to a mountain summit where he attempts to reconcile his fate.

Partial proceeds from the sale of this book will be used for promotion, education and research of ecological architecture.

Currently out of stock. Will be reprinted soon. Please be patient—a great novel.

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