Biography of Tullio Inglese

Tullio Inglese was born in Roccacaramanico, a remote mountain village in Italy in 1938. He emigrated to the United States in 1947 with other World War Two refugees.

Tullio instructs interns

Tullio instructs interns

Andromeda, Aerial View

Andromeda model

He received his education at Wentworth Institute of Technology, The University of Oklahoma, and MIT. He has worked as an architectural designer for Harvard University and well known architects including Warren Callister, Walter Gropius and Paolo Soleri.

Mr. Inglese is a practicing architect with TIA Architects in Amherst, Massachusetts, and director of the Nacul Center for Ecological Architecture, which he founded in 1972. In this capacity, he works with students and interns on designs of solar buildings, sustainable communities, cooperative housing and socially responsible projects for non-profit organizations. Their projects have received many awards and have been the subject of several television presentations including the half hour special, Blueprints for the Future.

A more detailed chronological biography is available below.

Architecture is rapidly becoming an environmental science rooted in the fundamental principles of ecology. All twelve principles of ecological architecture must be seriously considered and incorporated into each and every project. Architecture must transcend materials and methods (technology) and transform sticks and stones into inspiring places in which to work and live. Architecture is the most natural link between the material and spiritual world and a logical means of sustaining evolution in a positive direction. Within the framework of consciously directed evolution, architecture has a divine purpose.
Tullio Inglese

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