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There are a great number of truss configurations, but the Queen Truss is especially advantageous because it is easy to build and provides space between its two vertical members that can be used as a loft. At TIA Architects, the Queen Truss House was designed as a prototype with the possibility for various lengths. The structure is long and narrow, elongated on its east-west axis, with an abundance of south-facing glass to maximize winter solar gain.
Queen Truss House, basswood model
Queen Truss House, kitchen/dining
Queen Truss House, screen porch
Intern Margaux Fischer works on QTH model
Interns Brienne & Aiko work on QTH model
The current Queen Truss House design is a basic rectangular plan 24’ wide × 72’ long (1,728 S.F.). Eight queen trusses, spaced eight feet on center, form the roof structure. The standing seam roof holds a large array of photovoltaic panels which generate electricity for the house. The house is also passive solar, with most of its glass facing directly south. The shell of the Queen Truss House is super-insulated and has a corridor along the entire north side for added insulation.
Each room in the house has south-facing windows and sliding glass doors. The design includes three bedrooms with a generous kitchen/dining/living area. There are two lofts, one accessible from the public area, as well as a private loft accessible from the main bedroom. Optional features include a screen porch on the west and an ofuro room on the east. An ofuro is a Japanese hot tub, typically made of cedar.
This prototype was inspired by Tullio Inglese’s own house design. Read more. »