Now in a new, miniature format. 6“x9”. More portable and affordable; less paper!
To effectively build sustainably, we must coalesce existing threads of thought into a coherent set of design parameters based upon the fundamental laws of nature.
In today’s ‘green’ society, we devise checklist approaches to sustainable building to encourage the development of more healthy, energy-efficient structures. Yet it is far too common to divorce these standards from the underlying principles that guide them. The result is that ‘sustainable’ becomes more of a label than a wholistic approach. Let us return to the basics, and evaluate our buildings according to the fundamental laws of nature. Toward a Grand Unified Theory of Architecture weaves numerous images into a discussion on the underlying principles from which all truly sustainable design stems.
Volume One discusses the first six of these principles, emphasizing that buildings must be an asset to the environment rather than a liability, and adhere to the basic lessons of nature. This is necessary not only for the preservation of the biosphere, but also for the survival of humankind. Our continued existence and well-being mandates that we curb our reliance on nonrenewable energy, minimize the waste we generate, and eliminate the indoor toxins so prevalent in our buildings. An effective way to advance ecological building is to make affordable generic designs embodying these principles available to the general public.
Partial proceeds from the sale of this book will be used for promotion, education and research of ecological architecture.
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