Your contribution will allow us to purchase the images necessary to complete our manuscript! See below for a progress update.
Donations handled by PayPal. A debit or credit card is all you need, a PayPal account is not required.To effectively build sustainably, we must coalesce existing threads of thought into a coherent set of design parameters based upon the fundamental laws of nature.
There exists a pervasive belief in today’s society that our buildings must become more healthy, energy-efficient structures. Companies such as LEED have made magnificent strides to formalize green building standards, but often these parameters are applied piecemeal, undiscerning of the fundamental concepts of sustainability. In his book titled Toward A Grand Unified Theory of Architecture, architect Tullio Inglese seeks to define the underlying principles from which all truly sustainable design stems.
Volume One discusses the first six of these principles, emphasizing that buildings must be an asset to the environment rather than a liability, and adhere to the basic lessons of nature. This is necessary not only for the preservation of the biosphere, but also for the survival of humankind. Our continued existence and well-being mandates that we curb our reliance on nonrenewable energy, minimize the waste we generate, and eliminate the indoor toxins so prevalent in our buildings. An effective way to advance ecological building is to make affordable ‘generic designs’ embodying these principles available to the general public.
This book is both an educational and introspective tool for those studying or submerged in the field of architecture, as well as a mind-broadening read for those wishing to understand the variables that must be considered before a building can be labeled “sustainable” or “green”.
The manuscript is approaching completion! Currently we are researching the cost of image permissions for about 100 photographs. Typically these images can cost $100 – $300 each. However, we have been contacting a number of the copyright holders directly, explaining that we are a nonprofit, and many have given written permission to use the images free of charge. Others have lowered their costs considerably.
Currently we have agreed to purchase three images from direct contacts, a total cost of $95. Help us to raise this amount by donating here:
Donations handled by PayPal. A debit or credit card is all you need, a PayPal account is not required. Significant donations will receive acknowledgment in Tullio Inglese’s finished bookSupport the Nacul Center
All donations help support our architectural work for non-profit organizations, the internship program, gallery, lectures and the research and promotion of the principles of ecological architecture. Read more »
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